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Sectie WADA-publicaties

WADA 117x119Deze sectie bevat publicatie van de World Anti-Doping Autority (WADA). Van vrijwel alle documenten is een PDF beschikbaar. Meer informatie vindt u op de website van het WADA.  


World Anti-Doping Code (WADC) [322]

WADA 390x120 
pdf icon 32x32The WADA World Anti-Doping Code (WADC) version 2021, English. Effective as of 1 January 2021.

Prohibited list - Summery of modifications [321]

WADA 390x120 
pdf icon 32x32The Prohibited list version summery of modifications 2020, English


World Anti-Doping Code - Prohibited list [318]

WADA 390x120 
pdf icon 32x32The World Anti-Doping Code International Standard - Prohibited list version 2019, English

Prohibited list - Summery of modifications [320]

WADA 390x120 
pdf icon 32x32The Prohibited list version summery of modifications 2019, English


Dopinglijst vanaf 1 januari 2016 (Nederlands) [314]

WADA 390x120  Dopingautoriteit 420x105 
pdf icon 32x32Nederlandse vertaling van de lijst met in de sport verboden middelen en methoden. Vertaling De Dopingautoriteit

World Anti-Doping Code (WADC) [319]

WADA 390x120 
pdf icon 32x32The WADA World Anti-Doping Code (WADC) version 2015, English


Athlete Biological Passport: Operating Guidelines [317]

WADA 390x120 
pdf icon 32x32Athlete Biological Passport: Operating Guidelines and compilation of required elements.

World Anti-Doping Code (WADC) [315]

WADA 390x120 
pdf icon 32x32The WADA World Anti-Doping Code (WADC) version 2009, English


WADA at a Glance [313]

WADA 390x120

pdf icon 32x32WADA's priority activities focus in several areas ... geven to the Agency bij de WADC (version 2009, English).


Official statement from WADA on the Vrijman report [316]

WADA 390x120 
pdf icon 32x32WADA-reaction on the Vrijman-report Independent Investigation: Analysis samples from the 1999 Tour de France.